Databricks Best Practices

Databricks Best Practices

In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics and machine learning, Databricks has emerged as a powerful platform for data engineering and data science tasks. However, just like any other software development endeavor, writing code on Databricks should adhere to best practices to ensure scalability, maintainability, and efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of using best practices in software development on Databricks and how it impacts scalability, testing, and other benefits.

Scalability: Low Coupling and High Cohesion

Scalability is a critical factor when dealing with data-driven workloads. Low coupling and high cohesion are two principles that play a pivotal role in achieving scalable and maintainable code on Databricks.

Low Coupling:

This principle emphasizes reducing dependencies between different components of your code. In the context of Databricks, it means that your notebooks or code modules should interact with each other as little as possible. Low coupling ensures that changes to one part of the codebase don’t lead to cascading updates throughout the entire system, making it easier to scale individual components independently.

High Cohesion:

High cohesion means that code within a module or notebook should have a well-defined and specific purpose. In Databricks, this translates to organizing your code in a way that each notebook or module focuses on a specific task or functionality. This makes it easier to understand, test, and maintain your code as your projects grow.

Testing: The Bedrock of Reliability

Reliable data analytics and machine learning models require robust testing practices. Best practices in software development help ensure that your code is thoroughly tested, minimizing the risk of errors and data inconsistencies.

By following Databricks best practices for testing, you can:

Unit Testing:

Write unit tests for individual functions and modules to verify their correctness. Tools like pytest can be integrated into your Databricks workflow for this purpose.

Integration Testing:

Test the interactions between different components of your Databricks workspace to ensure that they work seamlessly together. Integration testing helps identify issues early in the development cycle.

Data Validation:

Implement data validation checks to ensure the quality and consistency of your data. This is crucial for maintaining accurate and reliable analytics.

Code Reusability: Wrapping Your Code in Python Packages

One of the most valuable best practices in software development on Databricks is encapsulating your code within Python packages. Rather than scattering your logic across multiple notebooks, create reusable Python modules and package them. Here are the benefits:


Packaged code can be easily reused in different notebooks, projects, or even shared with colleagues. This saves time and ensures consistency across your work.


Packaged code is easier to maintain and update. When you make improvements or bug fixes, you only need to update the package, and all notebooks using it will benefit from the changes.

Version Control:

Python packages can be version-controlled using tools like Git, enabling you to track changes, collaborate with others, and roll back to previous versions if needed.


In conclusion, adhering to best practices in software development on Databricks is essential for achieving scalability, reliability through testing, and efficient code management. Embracing principles like low coupling, high cohesion, and packaging your code as Python packages not only streamlines your workflow but also sets the foundation for sustainable and successful data-driven projects. By following these guidelines, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of modern data analytics and machine learning on Databricks.

Bruno Bruno is a computer scientist and behavioral scientist. His research interests lie in cognitive science and artificial intelligence, and how they can be blended to help humans thrive in a tech era.
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